Posts Tagged ‘Ophthalmology’

Can Supplements Help Protect People With Diabetes Against Retinopathy?

November 21, 2013

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Nutrition researchers believe regular  intake of Vitamins C and E and Magnesium could help prevent or  limit diabetic retinopathy (DR), a potentially blinding  disease.

Each of these essential nutrients enables  the body to respond in ways that alter retinopathy mechanisms. For  example, Vitamins C and E suppress production of a known growth  factor, VEG-F, which can promote abnormal blood vessels in the  retina. And high dietary levels of Magnesium are associated with  lower blood pressure and blood sugar. Lower levels of both  correlate with a lower risk of retinopathy.

A research team from Metabolic Science,  Cambridge, United Kingdom, surveyed studies published from  1988 through 2008 on the impact of these micronutrients on  Diabetic Retinopathy (DR). The researchers note the evidence is  not yet strong enough to specifically recommend Vitamins C or E  or Magnesium supplements for patients with diabetes.

Proliferative retinopathy Description: Prolife...

They believe the research should continue  because if dietary intake of the micronutrients, rather

than a  medication, might reduce the risk of diabetic complications,  would be preferable.

In hospital-based studies, participants  with higher levels of Vitamin C in their blood measurements were  less likely to have DR. However, in population-based studies  there was no association between dietary intake of  Vitamin C and DR.

For Vitamin E, no studies showed an  association between blood levels or dietary intake and DR risk. For  Magnesium, one study showed an association between low blood  levels of Magnesium and DR progression, but other studies were  inconclusive.

This research was published in the January  2010 issue of Ophthalmology, the journal of the  American Academy of Ophthalmology.

This article is for informational and educational purposes only;  It is not intended to provide   medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.   Consult your doctor or healthcare professional.